Moving can be quite a challenge for everyone involved, especially for kids. Grown-ups get to call the shots: moving for work, moving to be closer to better schools, moving to upgrade, but children don’t have perspective on these things.
All they see is their childhood home being abandoned, their friends living impossible distances away, and their scant worldly possessions being boxed up. Moves are a tectonic shift, but here are a few good pieces of advice on moving house with children without causing an earthquake.
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What to be wary of when moving house with kids
Different ages and different children will give different reactions, but the most common stress factors when moving house with children will induce these results:
- Problems with sleep
- Aggression
- Lethargy
- New odd habits that haven’t come up before, like thumb sucking, or clinging to you constantly for younger children
- Trouble concentrating
- Headaches or stomach aches
Check also:
Best tips for moving house with kids
Children can often be underestimated, but they are capable beyond our comprehension. When it comes time to move, consult with them. If you take kids along to look at potential houses, allow them to have a voice in the neighbourhood you choose, or even pick their own room, it’s less of a move and more of a family project.
Talk with your kids
The best way to make sure that your child knows why you’re moving and realises the benefits and/or disadvantages. Make sure not to be too invasive, when asking for a talk and don’t push them to speak about things they don’t want to. The goal is to establish the fact that everything is going to be alright and you are always here for support.
Create a moving day plan
The best way to make sure that your child knows why you’re moving and realises the benefits and/or disadvantages. Make sure not to be too invasive, when asking for a talk and don’t push them to speak about things they don’t want to. The goal is to establish the fact that everything is going to be alright and you are always here for support.
Entrust with tasks
Have you ever noticed how the most menial tasks contain profound joy for children? Kids seem to find some irrational joy in any number of menial tasks. Give them something to do to help in the process of moving, like pack their own toys and label the boxes.
Pack the kid’s stuff last
When you’re getting ready to move house with the little ones, it’s a good idea to save packing their stuff until last. This way, they can keep their favourite toys for example close by for as long as possible. It helps them feel settled and cosy during all the excitement of moving. Plus, knowing that their special things are easy to find can give them a comforting sense of security as you all make the big move to your new home.
Visit the new place
If you can afford a trip to the new place before the move, do so. Show them their new room. Ask which colour they would want the walls repainted. Take your children to visit the new neighbourhood, show them around and point out places like parks, and playgrounds.
Schedule the move in the summer
If you can afford a trip to the new place before the move, do so. Show them their new room. Ask which colour they would want the walls repainted. Take your children to visit the new neighbourhood, show them around and point out places like parks, and playgrounds.
Check also:
Give time to say goodbye
Prepare for the most adorable child hugs, as your kids say goodbye to their friends. Children at a younger age might have fewer emotions than teens, and they indeed adapt to change more easily. But still, make sure to watch whether there aren’t any signs of sadness after the first week.
Your teen already has made a lot of friends at the old place, so the more time they have to say goodbye, the better. The good thing in today’s age is that friends aren’t that far apart, thanks to social media.
Keep the kids occupied on a moving day
Make sure your kids stay busy to keep stress levels down and avoid any interruptions. Get some fun activities ready or ask a family member or friend to lend a hand in keeping them entertained while you handle the moving tasks.
Pack a bag with snacks, games, books, and other goodies to keep them occupied during all the excitement. With a bit of entertainment and supervision, you can make sure your little ones stay safe, cheerful, and busy throughout the whole moving adventure.
Watch for signs of depression
Watch out for any signs of depression in your children once you’ve moved to your new house. You’ll usually notice a total change in behaviour, too much silence, and lethargy. It might also be more aggressive. Reasons are usually connected with other people. Miss friends too much. Old friends stopped keeping in touch too soon. No prospects of new friends.
These things take time to be fixed, but the good news is that most teens just need to vent for a particular time period and later get better on their own. If not, get in touch with professional help, even just for a few questions. It might be enough.
Help with studies
Even if you did move in the summer, grades might still experience a drop. Be it because of depression, or just a typical rebellious stage, you’ll need to lend a hand with your child’s studies. Maybe hire a personal tutor, or just look for after-school activities that might be an object of interest, and can be applied in a professional development field in the future. There are a lot of ways to get around this one.
Find new activities
The best way to make a child accustomed to a new place is to give them things to do. The best thing you can do is sign them up for after-school sports, or art classes. It’s the age where kids need to try just about everything to find out what they like to do. Once they find it, pay special attention to their development.
Be patient and understanding
Moving house can be stressful for everyone involved, so be patient with your kids if they’re feeling anxious or upset. Offer plenty of reassurance and support as they adjust to their new home.
You also probably know, that teenagers are in the stage where nothing is more important than their independence. Make sure your teen knows you’re treating them like an adult. If this isn’t obvious, you won’t get a good result.
Moving with kids can be a little burdening on a moving day, but just a little. It can be a bit more stressful if the move is of a larger scale, such as when moving from the UK to Germany. But, for any type of move you need help with, you can call our professional removal company based in London to remove some of the stress off your shoulders. And as far as we’ve seen, moving is tough, but your kids are tougher.
Final thoughts
Moving house with kids can feel like quite an adventure for both parents and little ones. While grown-ups might know why they are packing up and heading off to pastures new, it can seem like a big, unexpected journey for our youngsters.
But fear not! It’s all about handling the move with gentle hands and a warm heart, making sure our little explorers feel safe and secure every step of the way.
So, tackle this exciting new chapter together with your kids! With a sprinkle of understanding and a heap of patience, you’ll be settling into our cosy new home, ready to make loads of fantastic memories along the way.