Moving From the UK to the Basque Country

The beachline in San Sebastian, Basque Country
San Sebastian, Basque Country

Capital City: Vitoria-Gasteiz
Population: 2,188,017 people (2019)
Official languages: Spanish and Basque
Commonly spoken languages: Basque, Spanish, French
Currency: Euro
Exchange rate to pound: 0.91

The Basque Country is one of Spain’s 17 autonomous regions and the one with the highest living standards in Spain. Surrounded by beautiful landscapes, vast mountains, coves and plains, it makes expatriates feel in paradise.

The population is cosmopolitan, and the whole region is known for its highest per-capita income in Spain. Rich in cultural history and cuisine and among the world’s best places anyone can live, it is not a surprise that expats choose to move to the Basque Country.

Where to live in the Basque Country?

Wherever expats moving from the UK to the Basque Country decide to live, they will benefit from the same life standards – hospitable local people, one of the finest gastronomy in the world, cultural diversity and plenty of fiestas throughout the whole year.

However, among the best places to live are Bilbao and Donostia-San Sebastián.

Bilbao is an industrial port city famous for its mix of architecture, and in comparison to other cultural and business centres, life there is affordable. Bilbao is a city that welcomes the old and the new. It’s famous for the curvy, titanium-clad Guggenheim Museum (designed by the Canadian-born American architect Frank Gehry), which rejuvenated Bilbao when it opened in 1997.

The other best place to live is Donostia-San Sebastián – a city located on the Cantabrian sea, surrounded by the Igeldo, Urgull and Ulía mountains. Donostia is the administrative capital of the region Gipuzkoa, 30 km away from the French border (and around 5 hours and a half from Paris by train).

In comparison to Bilbao, Donostia is an example of innovation and sustainability. The city’s symbol is the beaches of Ondarreta and La Concha, the Island of Santa Clara located in the middle of the bay.

For surfing fans, La Zurriola Beach, located close to the Kursaal Congress Centre (designed by Rafael Moneo), welcomes surfers from all around the globe every year. The high tourism season begins around June and continues until the end of September.

Locals and tourists can enjoy the International Film Festival (Nazioarteko Zinemaldia) in September, the Jazz Festival (Jazzaldia) and the Musical Fortnight (Musika Hamabostaldia) in summer, and the Horror and Fantasy Film Festival in autumn.

For a reason, Donostia was shortlisted as the European Capital of Culture in 2016.

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How to become a Basque resident

European citizens

The Basque Country is part of Spain and a European Economic Area which means that all EU regulations apply to citizens coming from other EU countries. These regulations allow all EU citizens to start employment in the Basque Country as employed or self-employed.

The only requirement is to have a valid ID card or passport for identity verification. Regardless of the employment status, employed, self-employed, and students can live in the Basque Country without being residents. 

A residence card, however, is much preferable as it’s useful for all kinds of administrative purposes (opening a bank account, rental contracts and so on).

What’s more, every European citizen has to obtain an NIE (Número de Identidad Extranjero or Foreign Identification Number).

Non-EU citizens

Compared to EU citizens, the regulations for non-EU citizens are the opposite. All non-European nationals must apply for a visa to be able to live in the Basque Country.

On the other hand, non-EU professionals such as researchers, engineers, and scientists who have been contracted by the government, universities, and private organisations, have to apply for residence and a work permit before they start executing their contractual obligations with the relevant institution in the country.

Useful links and information for foreigners

European Union:

Spanish Ministry of the Interior:

Working in the Basque Country

What if we tell you that you will work fewer hours and earn more in Basque Country? It’s true! The Basque Country has the highest gross salaries and the shortest working hours compared to the rest of Spain.

It is one of the richest regions, with 25% of its GDP based on its machine and advanced tool manufacturing, aeronautics, automotive and engineering. In 2018 the average net income per household reached 61% and exceeded GDP in the rest of the countries in the eurozone.

Construction and agriculture, two economic pillars, are traded too. Tourism also plays an important role in the region’s success, attracting even more expats to move to the Basque Country.

Statistics show that in 2018 there were 144,357 active companies. The majority (78.81%) of which were in the services sector, followed by 13.28% in construction and 7.22% in industry. Compared with the 14.2% national unemployment rate in 2019, Basque unemployment was only 9.58% in 2019.

The most prominent companies in the region are Aernnova, Mercedes, BBVA, Michelin, CIE Automotive, Euskaltel, Gamesa, Grupo Arteche and Iberdrola. Most of them employ highly qualified professionals, and a good level of Spanish is recommended. Nevertheless, post-doctoral researchers are in the highest demand in universities, laboratories and scientific centres.

However, a good way to find a job after moving to the Basque Country is to search local portals, forums, job sites on the Internet, or classified ads in local newspapers.

Labour-related information for foreigners

Spanish Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs: Office of the Secretary of State for Immigration and Emigration

Transportation in the Basque Country

Travelling in the Basque Country is safe and comfortable. There are plenty of intercity bus routes and railways at affordable prices.


Commuters mainly rely on public transport. There are two urban buses, running every 6 or 30 minutes, depending on which part of the city or outside the city you wish to get to.

What’s more, the bus lines offer transport cards as well, and tickets cost nearly half the price of standard tickets. The city buses (Dbus) cards are called Mugi, and you can find them at newsagents or at the city tourist information centres. 


There are two railways:

The RENFE is the only long-distance railway company in Spain in general. It offers transportation to the major Spanish cities and Paris, whereas the Euskotren is the regional railway that links nearby cities in the Basque country.


There are several airports in the Basque Country – the San Sebastián airport in Hondarribia, Loiu (in Bilbao), Biarritz, Noaim (Pamplona) and Vitoria. They offer domestic flights and connections to some of the biggest European cities.


Cycling in the biggest cities in the Basque Country such as Vitoria, Bilbao and Donostia-San Sebastián, is an example of the environmental preservation the local government has considered.

However, the best cycling infrastructure (lanes) is in Donostia.

Apart from that, the city offers the so-called DBizi, free access to bikes at pick-up and drop-off around the city.

Do I need a car in Basque Country?

To be able to drive your UK-registered car after moving to the Basque Country, you must have the Registration Log Book, MOT Certificate, Insurance Documentation, + Valid Road Tax. Your Insurance company must issue you a “Green card” as well.

Apart from the aforementioned documents and certificates, you must also have Jack, Warning Triangles, Spare Tyre, Fluorescent Jacket and Spare Glasses. This is a legal requirement.

When is it time to register your car?

Usually, there is a limited number of days during which you can drive around the country with UK plates. However, after 183 days, you must register your UK car with Spanish plates.

As the whole process is time-consuming, we highly recommend you use local professional services or Gestor.

Once you initiate the process, keep in mind the following expenses:

  • 0% tax for vehicles with emissions of less than 120 grams of CO2 per kilometre
  • 4.75% tax for vehicles with emissions from 120 to 160 grams of CO2 per kilometre
  • 9.75% tax for vehicles with emissions from 160 to 200 grams of CO2 per kilometre
  • 14.75% tax for vehicles with emissions of more than 200 grams of CO2 per kilometre
  • 14.75% tax for vehicles that are not rated for CO2 emissions

Your vehicle would need to be inspected as per the country’s standards – ITV (Inspección técnica de Vehículos). Such inspections may obligate you to change your headlights and rear fog lights to meet European standards.

The whole procedure is extremely expensive, and considering exchanging your UK vehicle for an already locally registered one is way preferable and much cheaper. 

When it comes to parking spots, San Sebastián offers park-and-ride schemes. This means you can park for free and use public transport, which is very convenient for people who live outside the city but work or study there. Here is a list of such parking spots in Donostia.

There is, however, a regulated parking system as well. From Monday to Saturday there are parking spots in the city – underground car parkings as well as on the streets. They are not pricey but are for a limited number of hours. They go under the name O.T.A., and tickets can be bought from automats located on the streets. 

You can find some useful information and guidelines about how to validate and/or exchange your UK driving license here:

Education in the Basque Country

If you’re moving to the Basque Country from the UK with children, you should know that schools are either public, state-funded or private, and there are several levels of the ‘are moving education system:

  • Infant education (Age 0 to 6)
    Not mandatory. The government coordinates the places in the public schools, however, there are private nursery schools and kindergartens.
  • Basic education (Age 6 to 16)
    Free and mandatory
  • Post-compulsory secondary education (Age 16+)
    2 years duration, not mandatory, divided into Baccalaureate and Vocational Training. For more information, visit this website.
  • Post-secondary education (Age 18+)
    4+ years duration, encompasses an adaptable and comprehensive degree system which goal is to expand European students’ potential on the labour market.
  • Special training courses
    For those who are willing to explore the depths of Languages, Music and Dance, Art and Design, Sports or Higher Art Education.

Apart from that, there are 3 different language models:

    All the subjects are taught in Spanish and Basque is only a subject in the curriculum.
    Some subjects are taught in Spanish (Maths, Reading and Writing) and whereas others are in Basque.
    All the subjects are taught in Basque and Spanish is only a subject in the curriculum.

The curious fact is that pupils start learning English at an early age – 4.

Being a student in the Basque Country

European citizens do not need a student visa to study in the Basque Country, whereas non-Europeans do.

To enrol in any of the universities in the Basque Country, first, you need to validate your studies – non-university and university degrees and diplomas fall under the same conditions.

The best universities in the Basque Country are:

Most postgraduate students can afford to work part-time jobs, whereas full-time undergraduates can either apply for student loans or rely on an insufficient scholarship.

Healthcare in the Basque Country

The public healthcare system in the Basque Country is among the best in the world. Citizens put health as part of the quality of life; hence, it’s a high priority. The Basque government manages all the healthcare institutions through the Basque public health service Osakidetza – Servicio Vasco de Salud. It comprises 51 hospitals, 442 centres and more than twenty-four thousand healthcare professionals.

Apart from the army of professionals and health infrastructure, Osakidetza regularly invests in the latest technological advancements to be able to provide availability to all, integrity, and support that guarantees the quality of the healthcare system. However, if you are not employed in the Basque Country, you will not be able to apply for an Osakidetza card. 

Europeans, for example, should obtain their European Health Card before moving to the Basque Country, whereas non-Europeans – students or visitors must have medical insurance valid for the length of their stay.


So, if you’re a fan of sunny beaches and warm weather, the Basque Country may be what you’re looking for. Moving there from the UK is a significant change, so if you’re up for the challenge, Fantastic Removals can make the international relocation process easier for you. Our removals company will help you plan and execute the move, handling all the logistics and paperwork, so you can relax and enjoy your new home.

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